The round robin challenge for this week is GIMME GIMME and was suggested by Karen
Now this one had me thinking, because I knew the dog wouldn't stand still while I got a shot. Her GIMME GIMME is to bounce up and down on the spot.
Do I want more money? I work so Yes.
Do I want a better/bigger house? Yes
Do I want a better /latest camera? Yes
Yes these wants could go on forever, but thats all they are WANTS . Do I need these things? NO
So what do I really want/need ?

As I have gotten past 50 I have had this dreadful feeling as if time is running out.
How do I fit in everything I still want to do/experience/feel.
Yes I may as well be asking the meaning of life.
The small sign on the arch in front of the red car says Macdonalds and it really is. Brings a whole new meaning to the golden arches. No I don't need more time to eat more burgers. All the clock pics were taken in Freidburgh Germany.
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Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mâvarinhttp://outmavarin.blogspot.com/
Carly - Posted!
Janet - POSTED!
VickiMaraca http://mymaracas.blogspot.com/
Nancy - POSTED!
Nancy Luvs Picshttp://journals.aol.com/nhd106/Nancyluvspix
Brandon - POSTED!
A Visual Experimenthttp://avisualexperiment.blogspot.com/
Gattina - Posted!
Keyhole Pictureshttp://gattina-keyholepictures.blogspot.com/
Thanks for sharing those pictures, I do believe that is the most interesting place for a McDonald's I've ever seen!
Beautiful photos as always! Yeah, I could use more time for everything. I find myself drawn to clocks and time pieces. :) Good interpretation of the challenge! :)
Always, Carly :)
A wonderful clock tower! Time is one to wish for. Nice shots!
Wow! You took my silly little idea and made it profound, with great pictures as well. The first one of the hanging clock is my favorite. Well done!
(Carly says you had trouble commenting. I've now disabled the word verification in case it helps!)
Oh ! that's a very original interpretation of the word ! and your pictures are very nice !
Great idea...and great photos to accompany them!
Wow, that clock in the first picture is so cool. I love clocks, they're really profound in many ways.
I like your interpretation of the theme. The pictures are great! I can remember when I worked (I'm semi-retired) how I never had enough time, either. I played late, at New Suzanne R's Life.
Beautiful shot. Looks like it was a great day for moseying about with camera.
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