Rainbow Lorikeets -
Trichoglossus haematodus (the people naming theses things really had no sense of humour, what a mouthful)They are described as being abundant, common, noisy, fast flying, forest dwelling parrots. We have been having some lovely rain for the past few days. Yesterday when I looked out to see if it was still raining I saw 2 lorikeets sitting on the rail of the deck. 
I was surprised to find them still there once I had retrieved the camera and tried to come out the sliding door quietly. So imagine my amazement when they started to move closer. They seemed curious about the clicking noise.
A bit wet and beraggled.
They often spend time in my grevilleas as their diet consists of nectar, pollen and fruit.
Size-28cmVoice-continuous screeching, chatteringHabitat- Rainforests, tropics, gardens, woodlands.Then one of them came right over to see exactly what I was doing.
Decided he needed to shake the water out of his feathers.