I have numerous roses that are in pots lining my driveway. They are not the easiest plants to grow in Queensland due to the heat and high humidity. There are so many lovely cold weather plants that I grew up within Victoria that just do not survive here and I wouldn't even try. There are some roses that are tolerate the heat, it's just a matter of trying to select the right ones. I would like to try and grow orchids and should make it my challenge for the year.
I have been having trouble with the photo download and wonder if it is the site or my computer. We spend are good few hours deleting all the things we have accumulated over the past few years. Articles, photos (blurred etc), free downloads, just to free up some space. Has the computer taken over as our hoarding site instead of the house. Even some of the work related articles now leave me wondering as to why I thought "that will come in handy one day". Problem is one day is a bit like tomorrow, it never comes. Some (other half) would argue that as soon as you throw it out you find you need it.